آموزش گراواتار : همه چیزهایی که یک بلاگر باید بداند [با اطلاعات دقیق]


گراواتار من را میتوانید در کنار عنوان مقاله مشاهده کنید .

واژه Gravatar درواقع مخفف Globally Recognized Avatar است که به‌طور رسمی این‌گونه ترجمه‌شده است: شکلک‌های شناخته‌شده، منظور از این عبارت این است که: آواتاری که شما برای ایمیلتان انتخاب می‌کنید مشخص‌کننده صاحب این ایمیل است و دیگر افراد می‌توانند در سراسر دنیا این آواتار را ببینند و با صاحب این ایمیل ارتباط برقرار کنند.

امکانات ویژه استفاده از گراواتار عبارت است از:

  • رابط کاربری آسان
  • پشتیبانی در تمام سایت‌های وردپرسی
  • نمایش تصویر باکیفیت در نظرات
  • بارگذاری سریع جهت نمایش تصویر

  بعد از توصیف امکانات ویژه این افزونه به آموزش استفاده از گراواتار می‌رسید، برای داشتن گراواتار باید اول به سایت gravatar.com بروید و سپس در سایت ثبت‌نام کنید که این کار به دو روش انجام می‌شود:

روش اول: ثبت‌نام در سایت WordPress.com قبل از وارد شدن در سایت گراواتار و معرفی کردن نام کاربری و رمز عبور خود به سایت گراواتار و سپس واردکردن تصویر موردنظر برای گراواتار. 

روش دوم: وارد سایت gravatar.com شوید و مراحل زیر را در آموزش استفاده از گراواتار دنبال کنید. بعد از وارد شدن به سایت gravatar.com برای ادامه آموزش روش دوم روی گزینه Create Your Own Gravatar کلیک کنید.

2- مشخصات خود را در  قسمت‌ها وارد کنید و سپس روی گزینه Sign Up کلیک کنید

3-برای ایمیلی که در مشخصات بالا وارد کرده‌اید پیامی حاوی تائید مشخصات شما ارسال می‌شود که نیاز است به صندوق ورودی ایمیل خود بروید و روی گزینه Activate-Accont کلیک کنید.

4-روی گزینه sign in to Gravatar کلیک کنید.  در این قسمت شما می‌توانید تصاویر شاخص خود را وارد کنید، روی گزینه Add a new image کلیک کنید.

5- برای اضافه کردن تصویر روی گزینه Upload new کلیک کنید.

6- روی گزینه برش تصویر کلیک کنید.

7- روی گزینه Set rating کلیک کنید.

8-در مرحله آخر شما می‌توانید مجدد تصویر را تغییر دهید و یا حذف کنید.


Gravatar : Everything A Blogger Should Know [ Detailed Guide ]

Gravatar is one of the must use website for all the bloggers and marketers.

Do you know what Gravatar is?

If not, let’s learn everything about it.

Images & visuals help a lot in branding.  When it comes to commenting on other blogs, I have always mentioned how regularly commenting with same name & image will help you to brand yourself.

However, many new comers who just started with Blogging, are not sure how to add images to their name, when they comment on a WordPress powered blog. WordPress uses Gravatar.com, to show user image in post comments. You can see an example in the below image:

Another thing that we need to acquire our online identity is by using the same avatar (Profile picture) everywhere.

Most important is using them when you add a WordPress comment anywhere it shows your Gravatar and people starts recognizing you.

Why should you use a Gravatar?

The main reasons why you should use Gravatar include:

  • It is much more convenient: It is much easier to use an avatar on a website if when using Gravatar. You won’t have to find and upload your avatar every time you join a new website or make a comment. It is all handled by Gravatar. Modifying your avatar is also much easier because you only have to change it in one location.
  • Businesses can ensure uniform branding: Business owners can use the same Gravatar on all of their social media accounts, forum postings and comments. This makes it easy for users to recognise the businesses brand on multiple platforms.
  • You can have interactions with other people across multiple platforms: Having the same Gravatar on multiple platforms makes users more recognisable. Other people can identify them easily and carry on conversations across different platforms. 
  • Reputation and trust can be transferred across different platforms: Maintaining your identity across multiple platforms allows you to transfer the trust and authority you have established elsewhere. For example, you may frequently post on a web forum that discusses cars. You may have established a reputation as being quite knowledgeable and friendly. When people see your Gravatar on another platform, they will recognise it is you and place more credence in your Tweet, comment or article.
  • People are more likely to believe a comment or post with a Gravatar: When a person reads a comment left by a user with a blank avatar, they are less likely to believe what the user wrote. If you have a recognisable Gravatar attached to your opinions, the credibility of your opinions increases.
  • You can increase traffic to your website: If you regularly post on social media and in discussion forums, users will start clicking on your Gravatar to learn more about who you are. This can result in increased traffic for your website.

How to add your profile picture in WordPress comment form?

Most of the WordPress comment box are Gravatar ready, all you need to do is sign up for Gravatar.com add your Email Id’s and associate an avatar with it.

Register for Gravatar, Add your email address and associate any image for your Email id. You can associate different email ids for the different avatar.

The process of associating an Image with your Email address is very easy. All you need to do is add an Email address, verify it and upload an image to associate with that Email id. By associating an Image to your Gravatar, you are creating your online brand and identity. The best way should be using the same Image everywhere like Twitter, Facebook, and Gravatar.com.

Create free Gravatar account

Another good part is, there are many 3rd party services which use Gravatar.com to get user picture, which is associated with the image. So, if you are starting online, Gravatar.com is one of the website where you should add your Email address, connect a picture to that and get ready for branding.

One rule that will help you to improve your branding is by using the same image on all your social networking site. Usually, your profile image on Facebook, Twitter and Gravatar.com should be the same, this will help other users to quickly recognize your profile among thousand others.

مطلب در تاریخ 25 خرداد 1399 به روز شده است

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